Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

“History not used is nothing, for all intellectual life is action, like practical life, and if you don't use the stuff well, it might as well be dead.”
Arnold J. Toynbee (1889-1975)

Carbon monoxide poisoning sends Port Byron Travel Plaza employees to Auburn ...
Auburn Citizen
Twenty people were treated Monday for exposure to carbon monoxide after a leak at the Port Byron Travel Plaza on the New York State Thruway between the Waterloo and Weedsport exits, according to a release from the Thruway Authority. ...

Carbon monoxide poisoning nearly claims New Market man's life
Gazette.Net: Maryland Community News Online
John and Snowflake recently had a brush with carbon monoxide poisoning. John Sica pulled into the garage of his New Market home after a doctor appointment on a recent Monday, closed the door, and fiddled with his GPS unit for a few moments before going ...

Company pleads guilty in carbon monoxide deaths
Kathleen Legere holds a picture of her daughter Mandi Balagot, who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in 2009.Kathleen Legere holds a picture of her daughter Mandi Balagot, who died from carbon monoxide poisoning in 2009. ...

Hull chimney flue theft causes carbon monoxide risk
BBC News
A grandmother said she felt "sick inside" after learning that metal thieves had left her family at risk of fatal carbon monoxide poisoning. Patricia Gillespie, 64, started suffering flu-like symptoms after the chimney flue was taken from her house in ...