Saturday, May 18, 2013

Carbon Monoxide News May 18, 2013 - posts updated frequently - Every day is a carbon monoxide safety education day. Scroll back in time and balance the carbon monoxide stories with the lessons learned.

Link to: CO alarm standards
Know when you are protected

“You can never get complacent because a loss is always around the corner.” Venus Williams (1980, bio link)

My father once told me that many people seem to have a tendency to regard history with a sense that several thousand years are like pages in a book, neat, concise, easily observed and understood in a brief reading or discussion.

This is especially so when we talk about current levels of carbon dioxide reaching 400 PPM for the first time in 3 to 5 million years. This wasn’t just a few grandmother’s ago. When my grandmother was born in the 1880’s, the world’s CO2 levels were around 100 PPM less than they are today. We are on a fast track adding fuel to the fire.

The first infra-red technology, carbon dioxide measuring instrument I purchased was in 1990 for $380.00. I purchased it for use in conducting energy audits where we were tightening up homes and comparing blower door tightness requirements to occupancy CO2 levels. The outdoor measurements were 350 PPM of CO2. I have measured carbon dioxide on just about every training & business trip I have been on during that time. I have watched the levels rise, but I have also watched metropolitan areas increase in size and noted the increase in combustion gas output.

I currently have four instruments that measure CO2. Over 400 PPM of CO 2 is measureable in our outside air. I hope that if you begin measuring this gas outside as well as for your own education or business purposes inside, that the levels you do measure outside begin to reduce before too long. But, we are an economically driven culture of combustion.
Bob Dwyer, CSME Carbon Monoxide Safety
CO and Air Quality News Links
Smoke alarm plea after dishwasher catches fire in St Johns Road, Gillingham
Kent Online

Firefighters said the couple, thought to be in their 50s, only realised because the woman happened to wake up, smelled smoke and then heard the carbon monoxide detector. Paul Nash, watch manager at Medway Fire Station, said: "They then did the right ...

Station Crew Wraps Up Week With Combustion Research
Space Fellowship

The trio of Expedition 36 crew members aboard the International Space Station wrapped up the workweek Friday with combustion and biological research, while three additional crew members continue preparations to join their crewmates in space in less ...

Hybrid Hydrogen technology is ready to reduce CO2 emissions with minimal ...
3D Car Shows

Automotive engineers and combustion experts at Alset Global devised the Hybrid Hydrogen system to meet three key criteria: a practical technology that would not sacrifice performance and driving experience; a solution to the chicken and egg dilemma ...

Carbon dioxide level unbearable Indoor contamination may be rapid
Prince George Citizen

This means that the carbon dioxide in your breath quickly establishes an equilibrium distribution in the space that you occupy. In a small crowded classroom or boardroom, this can actually be a problem as the increasing levels of carbon dioxide tend to ...

Who is responsible for the air you breathe? Take control inside your homes.

The lowest U.L. 2034 & CSA 6.19 carbon monoxide alarm test point is:
70 PPM to 149 PPM –
resist one hour, must alarm before 4 hours
Please read the alarm information on the package and in the instructions.

Increased education, awareness can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning
Minnesota Department of Commerce

SAINT PAUL, MN – Each year about 50,000 people visit emergency rooms in the United States for CO poisoning, and more than 500 die each year from this silent, odorless, colorless gas. As part of Winter Hazard Awareness Week (November 5-9), the Minnesota Department of Commerce warns Minnesotans of the dangers of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and to take steps to avoid this “silent killer.”

Carbon monoxide kills, founder sends warning

Carbon Monoxide Information Website ... Carbon Monoxide Useful Links · Contact ... Get the Top ten carbon monoxide safety tips sent to your inbox:

· Please take CARBON MONOXIDE SAFETY CARE during all holiday and everyday activities.

Consider low level protection for carbon monoxide and smoldering fire detection problems; don't leave anyone behind.

National Conference of State Legislatures
Carbon Monoxide Detectors State Statutes

Twenty-seven U.S. states have statutes that require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Updated Nov. 2011
| Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts| Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | New Jersey | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Oregon | Rhode Island | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia

The following companies are acknowledged for their continued support of carbon monoxide safety education and this daily news blog. They may just have what you are looking for.
Fieldpiece Instruments

The Energy Conservatory
IntelliTec Colleges
CO Experts CO-Experts Model 2014 Brochure
Masimo (See the non-invasive RAD-57)
Mahugh Fire & Safety
ESCO Institute
TPI - Test Products International

Note this distraction from carbon monoxide poisoning:
Bald Eagle Camera Alcoa Bald Eagle Camera, Davenport, Iowa.
NOTE: Another camera is in operation from a lower angle.
What does this have to do with carbon monoxide safety?
It is just a live web cam, perhaps a distraction from the headlines of death and injury. Please become aware of the air you breathe. Measurement is education. Measure your air accurately when measuring carbon monoxide.
Bob Dwyer, CSME Carbon Monoxide Safety