“I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of people.” Isaac Newton (1642-1727)
Carbon Monoxide puts hockey players in the hospital
Several hockey players and even a few Stampede coaches started feeling sick when they left the Sioux Falls Ice and Recreation Center Monday night and it looks like carbon monoxide is to blame. We spoke with the mother of a young hockey player who got ...
Cincinnati distributes free smoke alarms
Cincinnati.com Mt. Adams, Lower Price Hill, Avondale, and Oakley
The Cincinnati Fire Department will install smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in all city neighborhoods this summer through its annual Safe Summer Nights Program, which began Tuesday and runs ...
Hardeman urges legislature to pass CO bill
Woodstock Sentinel Review
Bill 69 would change the Ontario Building Code to require carbon monoxide detectors in all residential buildings. In existing residential units battery operated units would meet the bill's requirements. Hardeman reintroduced the bill — which was left ...