“It is wonderful what strength of purpose and boldness and energy of will are roused by the assurance that we are doing our duty.”
Walter Scott (1771-1832, bio link)
Children going back to school?
· Are you sending your children to schools or daycare’s that have smoke and carbon monoxide alarms?
· Are the school’s or daycares’ heating systems performing at the manufacturer and code specifications of the district?
· Is the ventilation system providing an air exchange worthy of delivering fresh air to each child, student, instructor, staff and visitor? Is it measured or merely guessed at with timers?
· Who is responsible for the air your child breathes?
· Measure carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide daily in the air that you breathe and learning occurs. Bob Dwyer, CSME Carbon Monoxide Safety
CO News Links
The little details on carbon monoxide alarm requirements for ...
startribune.com Posted by: Reuben Saltzman under Home Improvement
“Carbon monoxide alarms are required in just about every type of dwelling in Minnesota, and it's been this way for several years now, but there is still a lot of confusion about this requirement.” General Requirement - This text comes directly from Minnesota Statute 299F.50: Every single family dwelling and every dwelling unit in a multifamily dwelling must have an approved and operational carbon monoxide alarm installed within ten feet of each room lawfully used for sleeping purposes.
U.K. – The warning grows louder
Coroner warns of carbon monoxide dangers on campsites
Out And About Live - Camping News
The coroner said there should be a campaign warning everyone, including householders as there is with smoke detectors, "of the potentially fatal danger of carbon monoxide poisoning." The British Health and Safety Council said seven people had died in ...
· Heart Rescue Now This link takes you to a very short video that is a practical demonstration on the proper usage of an AED. This video is tastefully done & demonstrates the step-by-step way one might be able to save a life.
· Please take CARBON MONOXIDE SAFETY CARE during all holiday and everyday activities.
· Carbon Monoxide Survivor A website made by poisoning survivors that brings a view that can only come from those that know what it is like to have been poisoned - as well as live with the long term impact.
· Consider low level protection for carbon monoxide and smoldering fire detection problems; don't leave anyone behind.
National Conference of State Legislatures
Carbon Monoxide Detectors State Statutes
Twenty-five U.S. states have statutes that require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Updated Nov. 2011
Alaska | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts| Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | New Jersey | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Oregon | Rhode Island | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia
Google Maps to reference the locations referenced in these Internet headlines.
The following companies are acknowledged for their continued support of carbon monoxide safety education and this daily news blog. They may just have what you are looking for.
Fieldpiece Instruments
The Energy Conservatory
IntelliTec Colleges
CO Experts
Masimo (See the non-invasive RAD-57)
Mahugh Fire & Safety
ESCO Institute
TPI - Test Products International