Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Carbon Monoxide News - June 19, 2012

“Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.”
Marcel Proust (1871-1922, bio link)

Duluth Family Evacuated After CO Detected
The family left the home after hearing a carbon monoxide detector go off. One juvenile was ... Crews found elevated levels of carbon monoxide in the basement.

What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?
CO poisoning mimics many common illnesses, such as food poisoning. It is most frequently misdiagnosed as a flu-like syndrome. The following is a list of common symptoms.

· headaches · loss of hearing · dizziness · depression · blurry vision

· cardiac arrest · disorientation · respiratory failure · weakness · vomiting · coma · painful discomfort · loss of consciousness · muscle aches & soreness
· memory disorders · seizures · nausea · rapid heartbeat · chronic tiredness
· slurry speech · additional symptoms of illnesses 

This list is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning. It is meant to provide general information on poisoning symptoms. Oxidative stress causes a chain reaction in the body due to the interruption of oxygen intake. Get out and stay out of CO atmosphere’s. Where have you been?
Get tested painlessly! Bob Dwyer, CSME Carbon Monoxide Safety

Please take CARBON MONOXIDE SAFETY CARE during all holiday and everyday activities.

Carbon Monoxide Survivor A website made by poisoning survivors that brings a view that can only come from those that know what it is like to have been poisoned - as well as live with the long term impact.

Consider low level protection for carbon monoxide and smoldering fire detection problems.

National Conference of State Legislatures
Carbon Monoxide Detectors State Statutes
Twenty-five U.S. states have statutes that require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Updated Nov. 2011
Alaska | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts| Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | New Jersey | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Oregon | Rhode Island | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia

Google Maps to reference the locations referenced in these Internet headlines.

The following companies are acknowledged for their continued support of carbon monoxide safety education and this daily news blog. They may just have what you are looking for.
The Energy Conservatory
IntelliTec Colleges
CO Experts
Masimo (See the non-invasive RAD-57)
Mahugh Fire & Safety