Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Carbon Monoxide News - May 23, 2012

“If you improve or tinker with something long enough, eventually it will break or malfunction.” Arthur Bloch (1948, information link)   

Hypoxia is a deficiency in the amount of oxygen reaching body tissues. This reduction of oxygen causes a very strong drive to correct the deficiency which results in various stresses on all bodily functions; the greater the deficiency, the greater the trauma and dysfunction. When a person inhales carbon monoxide, a chain reaction begins and compounds according to how much CO for how long and, what the existing health conditions of this person are. Bob Dwyer, CSME Carbon Monoxide Safety

Fresh warning after four poisoned by carbon monoxide in Berkshire
Wokingham Times
Firefighters have issued a warning over carbon monoxide after four people were poisoned by the gas in Berkshire. Last week, The Wokingham Times reported how a family of one Wokingham woman are raising awareness of the “silent killer” following her ...

Lawsuit over carbon monoxide poisoning settled
(AP) — A more than $2 million settlement has been accepted in the case of a Michigan man who was permanently disabled by carbon monoxide poisoning in Wisconsin. The Daily Telegram of Adrian reports ( ) 60-year-old Larry Brenke of Lenawee County will ...

Warning on danger of barbecues indoors
This is Plymouth
ALISON Seabeck MP is backing a campaign by Carbon Monoxide Awareness to prevent carbon monoxide poisonings caused by bringing barbecues into tents or caravans. Carbon Monoxide Awareness has noted a sudden spate of tragic deaths or near fatal incidents ...

Fire Safety & Awareness Week Resources Fire Safety & Awareness Week is underway and code officials are getting safety messages out to the public. For example, John Kuehl, Building Official for the cities of Monterey and Pacific Grove, Calif., posted a YouTube video on the importance of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. The city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, are also educating consumers on the importance of codes, permit requirements and highlighting special Building Safety Month events at city hall this week. On the Building Safety Month YouTube channel, there are additional videos to help you plan activities.

For tips and resources on Fire Safety & Awareness provided by the ICC Foundation, USFA, and Building Safety Month Presenting Sponsor, AMCA International, please visit the Building Safety Month website.

Carbon Monoxide Survivor A website made by poisoning survivors that brings a view that can only come from those that know what it is like to have been poisoned - as well as live with the long term impact.

National Conference of State Legislatures
Carbon Monoxide Detectors State Statutes
Twenty-five U.S. states have statutes that require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Updated Nov. 2011
Alaska | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts| Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | New Jersey | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Oregon | Rhode Island | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia
Google Maps to reference the locations referenced in these Internet headlines.

Bald Eagle Camera Alcoa Bald Eagle Camera, Davenport, Iowa.
Placed here for now for something other than carbon monoxide news.
"Going to fly someday!"

The following companies are acknowledged for their continued support of carbon monoxide safety education and this daily news blog. They may just have what you are looking for.
The Energy Conservatory
IntelliTec Colleges
CO Experts
Mahugh Fire & Safety
ESCO Institute