Tuesday, August 9, 2011

August 9, 2011

“The meme for blind faith secures its own perpetuation by the simple unconscious expedient of discouraging rational inquiry.”
Richard Dawkins (1941,)

Harford County Schools Give 'Extra No' To Hose Company
Susquehanna Hose Company Chief Scott Hurst wants to install carbon monoxide detectors in Havre de Grace area schools. By Sean Welsh The Susquehanna Hose Company, here performing a drill with other companies in 2011 at Havre de Grace High School, ...

3 Women & Cat Treated for Carbon Monoxide Fumes
Three women were rushed to local hospitals after they were exposed to carbon monoxide fumes thought to have come from a car left running in a garage. A spokesperson for Palm Harbor Fire Rescue says it happened at 6:16 pm Monday at a home at 156 ...

Fire services briefs
Drayton Valley Western Review
The Drayton Valley/Brazeau County Fire Services responded to a carbon monoxide leak at a local business in town. A faulty hot water tank was to blame for the above average levels of carbon monoxide, which set off their security system. ...

Carbon monoxide detectors now required in home
Patterson Irrigator by Nick Rappley 
Patterson firefighters are helping get the word out about a new state law that requires carbon monoxide detectors to be placed in most homes. Senate Bill 183, passed in May 2010, requires all owner-occupied homes ...