“Facts which at first seem improbable will, even on scant explanation, drop the cloak which has hidden them and stand forth in naked and simple beauty.” Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
Generator Safety Should Be Part of Any Emergency Management Plan
Emergency Management
From carbon monoxide poisoning to electrical and fire hazards, there are several serious risks involved when operating a generator. The good news is, with some basic knowledge and a conscious commitment to safety, most potential dangers can be avoided. ...
Mother’s Sorrow Turns to Strength of Conviction
Guest columnist Don't let delayed carbon-monoxide-law endanger your family
The Seattle Times
Guest columnist Barbara Moilien writes about Washington's new law that requires carbon-monoxide alarms in all residences with fuel-burning appliances and attached garages. She argues that a delay in implementation in multifamily housing should not ...
Aspen CO poisoning lawsuit update Judge cancels motion hearing in carbon monoxide deaths case
Aspen Times
ASPEN — A hearing set for Tuesday in Denver federal court regarding the carbon monoxide poisoning deaths of a family of four has been canceled. The Pitkin County government had been scheduled to argue its motion to dismiss the civil lawsuit to a ...
Carbon Monoxide Exposure is Leading Cause of Poisoning Deaths in US
A new government report identifies carbon monoxide as a leading cause of unintentional poisoning deaths in the United States, causing hundreds of people to die each year and hospitalizing thousands of other people. The carbon monoxide exposure report ...
Carbon Monoxide in Science
CG Green Carbon Announces Availability of High-Quality Nanodiamond Rods
Nanowerk LLC
Located in the interior of British Columbia, GC Green Carbon is utilizing waste carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide in their patent pending process, allowing for green carbon credits in addition to the nano products. The product offering includes ...
Exhaust fumes kill lovers in Valentine's Day tragedy
TWO lovers died from carbon monoxide poisoning on Saturday, Chinese Valentine's Day, after leaving their car engine running in the garage, officials said yesterday. The pair, in their 20s who were not named, drove into the private garage of their villa ...