“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.”
Edward Abbey (1927-1989, bio link)
CO News links
Abilene heating and AC technicians fan out Saturday to help Heat the Town
ReporterNews.com Daniel Gomez/Special to the Reporter-News
A malfunctioning heating appliance in your home can do worse than just not keeping you warm, said Tom Hawkins, owner of a Abilene heating and air conditioning business. It can kill you. Volunteers made house calls to the elderly, disabled or indigent, servicing or replacing their home heating systems for no charge, Hawkins said. They also performed carbon monoxide checks and installed carbon monoxide detectors in some homes as part of the state-funded program.
St. James Healthcare Evacuated After Carbon Monoxide Scare
St. James, NY – Portions of St. James Healthcare were evacuated Saturday afternoon after carbon monoxide alarms sounded in parts of the building. The St. James Fire Department responded to the facility, located at 275 Moriches ...
Lorene Bartos: Carbon monoxide sources in the home
Lincoln Journal Star
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a colorless, odorless deadly gas, which is a byproduct of combustion and comes from burning fuel. It is the leading cause of poisoning deaths in the United States. With cool weather here, families turn on their heat to ward off ...
United Kingdom
National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week to launch in November
H&V News
Carbon Monoxide Awareness, a registered charity run entirely by volunteers, will be hosting the seventh National Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week. The charity actively supports the victims of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning and also raises awareness of ...
· Heart Rescue Now This link takes you to a very short video that is a practical demonstration on the proper usage of an AED. This video is tastefully done & demonstrates the step-by-step way one might be able to save a life.
· Please take CARBON MONOXIDE SAFETY CARE during all holiday and everyday activities.
· Carbon Monoxide Survivor
A website made by poisoning survivors that brings a view that can only come from those that know what it is like to have been poisoned - as well as live with the long term impact.
· Consider low level protection for carbon monoxide and smoldering fire detection problems; don't leave anyone behind.
National Conference of State Legislatures
Carbon Monoxide Detectors State Statutes
Twenty-five U.S. states have statutes that require carbon monoxide detectors in certain residential buildings. Updated Nov. 2011
Alaska | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Florida | Georgia | Illinois | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts| Michigan | Minnesota | Montana | New Jersey | New Hampshire | New York | North Carolina | Oregon | Rhode Island | Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Wisconsin | West Virginia
Google Maps to reference the locations referenced in these Internet headlines.
The following companies are acknowledged for their continued support of carbon monoxide safety education and this daily news blog. They may just have what you are looking for.
Fieldpiece Instruments
The Energy Conservatory
IntelliTec Colleges
CO Experts
Masimo (See the non-invasive RAD-57)
Mahugh Fire & Safety
ESCO Institute
TPI - Test Products International