“All science requires mathematics. The knowledge of mathematical things is almost innate in us. This is the easiest of sciences, a fact which is obvious in that no one's brain rejects it; for laymen and people who are utterly illiterate know how to count and reckon.” Roger Bacon (1214-1294)
What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?
The health effects can vary significantly due to age, sex, weight and overall state of health. CO is measured in Parts per Million or PPM; out of a million molecules of air, how many are carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide poisoning mimics many common illnesses, such as the flu and food poisoning.
The following is a list of common symptoms.
· headaches · loss of hearing · dizziness · depression · blurry vision · cardiac arrest · disorientation· respiratory failure · weakness · vomiting · coma · painful discomfort · loss of consciousness · muscle aches & soreness · memory disorders · seizures · nausea · rapid heartbeat
This list is not meant to serve as a diagnosis of carbon monoxide poisoning. It is meant to provide general information on poisoning symptoms. Oxidative stress causes a chain reaction in the body due to the interruption of oxygen intake. Carbon monoxide poisoning is best treated with supplemental oxygen or pressurized oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber where CO is forced out of the hemoglobin of the blood. The longer CO stays in the body, the more disruption in body functions and symptoms are likely.
Consult with your physician if you have the symptoms.
COSA recommends at least one low level carbon monoxide alarm in every building. These will alarm at levels under 30 PPM of carbon monoxide and alert you to levels the fire departments and other responders are responding to with protection and evacuation.